
Mental health care that meets you where you are

Connect with care and advice familiar with your language and culture

Get Started

Access experienced coaches and therapists who are sensitive to your individual care needs

Available in 180+ countries, Lyra and ICAS can meet you where you are via live video, via phone, or even in-person.

Get Started

Learn how ICAS and Lyra work 

Access services like self care apps, coaching, therapy, workshops, work life services and more

Getting started is easy

Share what you’re dealing with, get care recommendations, and book an appointment without tons of phone calls.

Your Lyra benefit

With Lyra and ICAS, no one is left behind. All VMware team members, spouses, and dependents over the age of 16 can access up to 12 sessions per calendar year, at no cost to you 

Tailored for you

We are dedicated to offering the best care possible, through a combination of high quality providers who speak your language, understand your culture, and are based where you are.

Tap into additional work life services

Receive expert advice to help you stay on top of your busy life, including legal, financial, and dependent care services.