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Mental health affects everyone across the United States, whether you’re one of the many tens of millions of people living with mental illness nationwide, or have a loved one living with mental illness.
In 2019, there is growing awareness of those who struggle with mental illness every day, often in ways that are invisible to others. More people than ever are joining the conversation about mental illness, and Millennials especially are helping to break down lingering taboos by opening up about their mental health struggles.
Yet, major obstacles remain: stigma still clouds public discussion of mental health issues, and far too many people struggling with mental illness don’t receive treatment. May is Mental Health Month, and we’re seizing the opportunity to break down some key statistics you should know. While spreading awareness in itself won’t solve the nation’s complex mental health care problems, we also know it’s an important step in ensuring that more Americans living with mental illness have the support they need to thrive.
For more statistics about mental health in the U.S. today, download the full infographic below.