Navigate the future of global workforce well-being with our 2024 State of Workforce Mental Health report.
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BIPOC Mental Health: Barriers and Ways to Support

Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) experience mental illness at similar rates as white people, but they’re less likely to get treatment due to cultural barriers, stigma, and lack

Emotional Wellness: Tips for Filling Your Resilience Tank

We can’t control life’s ups and downs, but we can control the way we respond to them. Emotional wellness can help us navigate challenges and feel better. It can also

Debunking Common Myths About Mental Health

labyrinth of human brain with paper thinker sitting inside on a light lavender background space

Myths about mental health prevent many people from getting the help they need. Stigma—the shame associated with needing mental health support—can be deeply harmful. Given that rates of anxiety, depression,

What Is Gender Dysphoria?

Society is slowly becoming more accepting of people who identify as transgender or gender diverse, but violence and stigma against this community continue. A number of anti-transgender health care bills,

What Is a Mental Health Coach?

A hand holding a red megaphone that says "coach" on it.

The word “coach” may evoke images of a friendly teacher who ran you through drills during high school soccer practice, a life coach who helps inspire clients to reach their

Group Therapy: Is it Right for you?

Five multiethnic people sitting on chairs and forming a circle for an introductory sharing circle

When we think of therapy, most of us likely picture one-on-one sessions in a therapist’s office. But group therapy can be equally transformative for people with mental health disorders or

10 Signs of Depression in Men

Content warning: There are multiple mentions of suicide in this article. Growing up, boys typically receive different societal messages than girls. These messages often communicate the need to suppress vulnerability